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2011 blogules (H2)

Below, a list of blogules spilled over the first half of 2010.

NB : for the comprehensive lists of blogules (2003 - to date), go to the blogules transfusion center - the 2003-2004 blogules are stored in a specific website, blogules archives, with links to this one.

December 2011 ()

November 2011 ()

October 2011 ()

September 2011 ()

August 2011 ()

July 2011 ()
- "


blogules cloud


2009 blogules (H2)

Below, a list of blogules spilled over the second half of 2009.

NB : for the comprehensive lists of blogules (2003 - to date), go to the blogules transfusion center - the 2003-2004 blogules are stored in a specific website, blogules archives, with links to this one.

December 2009 (5)
- "Santa Miranda Rights" (20091226 - flash fiction fresh from the oven)
- "Hatoyama's Christmas gift to Japanese extreme right" (20091226 - again, pressure from the extreme right)
- "Happy New Year 2011" (20091222 - look back at what happened over 2010)
- "Obama plays good COP - bad COP15" (20091218 - and for this speech, I give thee a D minus)
- "North Korea's lost Won" (20091205 - anger management as in anger fueling)

November 2009 (8)
- "Carbon Dioxide Emissions per unit of Gross Domestic Product" (20091126 - ahead of Copenhagen, nice examples of wind power applied to words)
- "Herman van Rompuy, haikus, humor and religion" (20091121 - he's not Tony Blair, but he pledged allegiance to Benedict XVI nonetheless)
- "Warniks' Woodstock" (20091119 - the concert of the millenium ? you betcha !!!)
- "The end of Japanese imperialism" (20091116 - Hatoyama's government leaks proofs that Dokdo belongs to Korea)
- "al Qaeda and Amerika on trial" (20091114 - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed meets fair justice. The Bush Admninistration next in line ?)
- "After Arafat, will Tel Aviv hawks terminate Mahmoud Abbas ?" (20091106 - Abu Mazen left to his own devices... and with the Hamas, Israel's own device)
- "European Court of Human Rights slams fundamentalists (a)cross Italia and Europe" (20091104 - no crucifix in school : this is a republic)
- "Obama Season II" (20091103 - warning : plot spoilers)

October 2009 (5)
- "Korea needs even more Truth and Reconciliation" (20091030 - on the future of transitional justice in Korea)
- "ReOpenReOpenReOpen911 - the Pentagony continues" (20091016 - exclusive : the non-euclidian-non-darwinian-non-official-version of the self proclaimed Truthers)
- "As if" (20091015 - this is not a recovery : this is denial, phase II)
- "Change has come to Japan." (20091009 - praise Hatoyama for his honesty and courage, praise Japan for its grandeur - provided the country follows its new leader - NB - Published in JoongAng Ilbo)
- "Kim Jong-il's bridge to nowhere" (20091007 - the Dear Leader just sold his country to salvage his dynasty)

September 2009 (6)
- "dragedies" (20090928 - shameless self-promotion for the best book ever published by this excuse of an author - Yours truly)
- "Israel accepted as true the choice between its security and its ideals" (20090916 - no more the good guys)
- "They did it" (20090911 - eight years ago, September 11, 2001)
- "We didn't come here to fear the future. We came here to shape it" (20090910 - Obama on healthcare and beyond, on what politics should be)
- "Al Franken is not Dan Quayle" (20090909 - I know, that's typical smart monkey stuff, but I like it)
- "Republican Appointed Judges : John Ashcroft "repugnant to the Constitution"" (20090905 - former Attorney General impostor caught by Justice)

August 2009 (8)
- "Land of the rinsing sun ?" (20090831 - yes, Hatoyama can save Japan - far beyond its economy)
- "Afghanistan, ground zero" (20090826 - Iran redux)
- "CIA to Blackwater : Kill, Baby, Kill" (20090824 - outsourcing Cheneyism)
- "KIM Dae-jung as Don LEE's Statue du Commandeur" (20090818 - another dead president looming over Lee Myung-bak)
- "We reject as false the choice between our social security and our ideals" (20090814 - why Karl Rove & Co are really scared by the Healthcare reform)
- "Latest Korean Export : Hangeul Alphabet, To Indonesia" (20090806 - do you speak cia-cia ? write in Korean !)
- "Israel openly embraces fascism" (20090803 - I love Israel like I love the US, but Bibi's government is as anti-Israel as Bush-Cheney's administration was anti-American)
- "Six Pax Americana - Brewing the Gatesgate" (20090802 - instead of another Bush, Anheuser Busch)

July 2009 (8)
- "Hillary won't run again. Unless..." (20090727 - meet the next VP)
- "News biorhythms and the future of newspaper" (20090724 - papers, please)
- "John Thune raises his profile and his guns" (20090722 - legalizing outlaws)
- "Tony Blair : a newborn fundamentalist President of Europe ?" (20090716 - thanks but no thanks, Europe doesn't need this kind of leaders)
- Lake - Hodson - Stevens (20090715 - CNN International vs BBC World News)
- "Scoop : Cheney is not a democrat... but why this 5 month delay ?" (20090712 - Dick shunted the legal path but that's not the news here)
- "The Dictatorship of Short Term: Beijing and Uighurs" (20090707 - Beijing is losing its mojo in strategy and ideology)
- "GOP - From Morale Building to Moral Damage Control Mode" (20090705 - meet the new boss same as the old Sarah)

2003 blogules (Jan-Dec)

NB : for the comprehensive lists of blogules (2003 - to date), go to the blogules transfusion center - the 2003-2004 blogules are stored in a specific website, blogules archives, with links to this one.

. "SUnoVa Car" (analyse this - boys with toys - 20031224)
. "Halliburton and the 40 thieves" (things could be even worse : the most infamous VP in History is just one heartbeat away - 20031114)
. Weapons of Mass Disinformation (Masters in Bullshit Administration - when Dubya competes with Comical Ali - 20031030). White blogule to Mystic River (seen worse flicks, seen better from Clint - 20031027)
. XP - XP hate (Microsoft XP helps you expiate for all past and future, actual and virtual crimes - 20031015)
. "Wireless Korea" (wireless maybe, not exactly wirefree - 20030403)
. Amerika - Take a walk on the dark side (experiencing US' Weapons of Mass Disinformation in Louisiana and Georgia - is this the country of freedom or a sick fascist revival ? - 20030318)
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