But Mitt Romney only made a quick apparition for Day 1 bis* of the RNC: at the end of the speech of his wife Ann, a truly remarkable person who managed to tweet while she was on stage and inspiring me the following series:

- - Yes, Ann Romney can become the first lady. Of Puerto Rico. Or rather the Cayman Islands
- - Oh my. Ann Sarah Romney forgot to wink.
- - Ann Romney pours too much tons of fake empathy to sound sincere. Her "I LOVE YOU WOMEN" is embarrassingly condescending
- - Ann Romney's "I love you women" mirrors her husband's campaign: 100% marketing 0% sincerity
- - Hey Ann Romney, I'm smart enough to know Mitt's solutions are dumb enough: they put the US in this mess, remember?
- - Yes, Ann Romney. Mitt Romney makes me laugh too. As long as he's not in the White House, that is.
- - Attack of the GOP first lady wannabe clones. Can't tell Ann Romney from Mrs McCain, Santorum, Gingrich...
- - Ann Romney truly is exceptional: she was tweeting during her speech. As if fake compassion wasn't enough...
- - Ann Romney: "he's too Mitt to fail". Selfpersuasion is not a solution.
And Romney received a ton of support in the late hours of Day 1 bis: Chris Christie. The heavyweight spoke of a Second American Century (probably Before Christie), and a fantasy land where the other party would be divided and divisive, misleading and misled. Unfortunately, the Governor of New Jersey, by portraying the ideal POTUS-VP tandem, exposed how far the Romney-Ryan ticket was from that dream. And pointing out the fact that Mitt Romney didn't even consider him for the job was the final straw: with such powerful paws, a pat on the shoulder has the same effect as a stab in the back.
Theme of the day? "We Built It". The military failures, the deficits, the economic collapse, that's us. You miss Bush-Cheney? Vote Romney-Ryan. Yes we can build it again. Relapse you can believe in.
At the RNC, divided, we never fail to make you laugh. I can't wait for Day 3 of this farce.
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* Day 1 was cancelled because of Hurricane Isaac - Hurricane Ron Paul rocked the ground on Day 0 but the GOP managed to ban it from its show
20120830 UPDATE: tweets about AR
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