2003 blogules (Jan-Dec)

NB : for the comprehensive lists of blogules (2003 - to date), go to the blogules transfusion center - the 2003-2004 blogules are stored in a specific website, blogules archives, with links to this one.

. "SUnoVa Car" (analyse this - boys with toys - 20031224)
. "Halliburton and the 40 thieves" (things could be even worse : the most infamous VP in History is just one heartbeat away - 20031114)
. Weapons of Mass Disinformation (Masters in Bullshit Administration - when Dubya competes with Comical Ali - 20031030). White blogule to Mystic River (seen worse flicks, seen better from Clint - 20031027)
. XP - XP hate (Microsoft XP helps you expiate for all past and future, actual and virtual crimes - 20031015)
. "Wireless Korea" (wireless maybe, not exactly wirefree - 20030403)
. Amerika - Take a walk on the dark side (experiencing US' Weapons of Mass Disinformation in Louisiana and Georgia - is this the country of freedom or a sick fascist revival ? - 20030318)

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