Inspector Columbo
blogules 2020
Since 2003, nonsensical posts about noncritical issues in nonenglish (get your blogules transfusion in French)
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Since 2003, nonsensical posts about noncritical issues in nonenglish. Red blogule or white blogule? It depends on the mood. Stephane MOT. Also: blogules en V.F., on Facebook, Twitter (@stephanemot, @blogules), Mastodon (@stephanemot).
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'Russia! If you have dirt on Biden, tell me. I won't tell the FBI, as usual' |
'Barf bag, anyone? Alt-Right meet Nippon Kaigi - Donald Trump Abe Shinzo / Shinzo Abe' (20190526 - |
'Trump to Abe Shinzo: US-Japan alliance is 'ironclad'. At the personal level, make that 'gold-plated, 7-iron-clad' (20190528 - |
'Say, Donald Trump, are North Korea's Concentration Camps the kind of 'prime real estate' you're looking for to lock up migrant kids at the US borders? Your dictator friend could sure help you find Stephen Miller-friendly solutions to Make Amerika Great Again.' (20190528 - |
'I wish Naruhito could brief Trump about actual East Asia History, not the one he learned from Shinzo Abe / Abe Shinzo & Xi Jinping' (20190526 - |
'Surreal military march played for Trump alone on a podium. Ego trip (20190527 - |
'Pacifist, apolitical Emperor Naruhito stays away from military while Trump salutes them' (20190527 - |
'Kudos to Naruhito for keeping his distances from militarism, turning the parade Abe Shinzo / Shinzo Abe prepared for Trump into ridiculous ode to a dictator' (20190527 - |
'Even weirder on this video, the almost 6 mns Trump was left alone with military march & review (starting around 2:30). Naruhito only rejoined him to meet civilians. A clear message for Japan's Article 9, against ABEIGNomicS / Nippon Kaigi militarism? ' (20190527 - |
'Bloody nose returns? US getting ready for preemptive strike against North Korea, including bunker buster capacity (Kim Ki-ho: Sasebo)' (20190526 - |
'FYI this bunker buster is meant to bust Kim Jong-un, not to rescue Abe Shinzo / Shinzo Abe when he plays golf with Trump:' (20190526 - |