Muellerxit before more Easter Eggs?

Robert Mueller delivered his report to William Barr, who quickly released a 4-page letter to the Congress that sounds like a victory for Donald Trump, but not so much considering the fact that it confirms, between the lines, that:

- Russia did interfere with the 2016 elections, and in favor of Donald Trump
- Russia was in touch with the Trump campaign to help them win the elections
- conspiration or collaboration couldn't be 'established', meaning there were not enough evidence to prove such crimes beyond a shadow of a doubt from a legal point of view (a broader - including political - definition of 'collusion' could still apply)
- Mueller had evidence of obstruction of justice; not enough to legally prove the crime beyond a shadow of a doubt, but enough to say the president himself couldn't be exonerated. 
- If at this stage, Mueller couldn't guarantee the cases to win in court, it doesn't mean that his report is harmless at the political level. And regardless of what the DOJ decides to do after this report, Mueller confirms that there are evidences against Trump and his campaign, material that could be used if some other case or new elements were to pop up, particularly since the Special Counsel didn't interview Trump about what happened after the elections, leaving that up to potential further investigation (starting from Democrat-led committees).

Robert Mueller already knew very well William Barr and his positions, and guessed what he would try to make of his report. If Mueller has a personal conviction that Trump and/or his campaign are guilty, he will have done the necessary to let open key entry points into the mass he piled up, and bet on other channels to bring more prosecutions, or political condemnations. We know he already transferred many Easter Eggs to collateral investigations.

As we wait for more details about the true content of the report, my only question is: did Rod Rosenstein collaborate with Barr and Trump, or with justice and Mueller? Did he clinch, months ago, a deal with Trump by trading Mueller's safety for some leniency regarding the White House's stonewalling strategy?

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