The Case Against Barack Obama ? More propaganda from mud loving PIGs

Praise Muckety's Carol Eisenberg for her alert* regarding the publication this summer of a smear campaign book against Obama by the very publisher that spat "Unfit for command" four years ago in the face of John Kerry (John E. O'Neill's propaganda terror attack worked so well that a verb was made out of his "swift boat" tale).

It is precisely in order to protect his candidacy from this kind of lies that Barack Obama decided to optimize the size of his campaign war chest and the share devoted to the exposure of ultra-conservative propaganda.

"The Case Against Barack Obama" will be released in August, around the DNC Convention. Eisenberg gives useful insights about the ultra-conservative credentials of the people involved in the operation, starting with author David Freddoso.

Anyway, this terror attack is not exactly an undercover op. First, expect a nasty sales pitch on the cover of the book. And second, the publishers are proud to expose their own biases : Regnery Publishing Inc., self proclaimed "the nation’s leading conservative publisher" is a subsidiary of Eagle Publishing, Inc, self proclaimed "America's leading source of books and periodicals with a conservative, free-enterprise focus".

Equipped with a barf bag, I visited Regnery's page about their
Politically Incorrect Guide™ series, where history, science, politics, or social issues are boldly revisited : "Reach for a P.I.G. when you want to cut through the bull and get to the real truth—in all its politically incorrect glory!"

Well. You are not cutting through the bull... but drowning in a nauseating ocean of mud : revisionism, Intelligent Design, religious hatred, environmental nightmares... a "glorious", dream Amerika from a Bushite point of view, but one of the lowest circles of Hell for anybody else... probably the 8th, where according to Dante you would meet falsifiers and evil counselors... or the 9th, where you DO find those who betray their own countries, and also those who betray their own political parties (true Republicans wouldn't subscribe to such an un-American agenda - or would they** ?).

With such lawyers, The Case against Barack Obama doesn't stand a chance. American voters got fooled too many times by this kind of sordid tactics, and exposing those mud loving PIGs is the best way of helping the public understand who is standing where.

* "
Regnery to publish ‘Case Against Barack Obama’ in August" (20080624), perfectly relayed by the CMD the same day "The Swift Boating Begins in August".
** see "
Universal Declaration of Independence from Fundamentalism"


5-4. Still standing

Guantanamo prisoners have a right for justice, ruled the Supreme Court. Habeas Corpus still means something in Bush's Amerika.
But that was a close call : 5-4.
And there were a lot of comments from both sides.
From Justice Anthony Kennedy, this sound and relevant comment : "Liberty and security can be reconciled and in our system they are reconciled within the framework of the law."
For Justice (?) Antonin Scalia, this ruling is an "incursion into military affairs".
And from the 4 Justices (?) who voted against the ruling (the same Scalia + Samuel A. Alito Jr, Clarence Thomas, and Chief Justice (?) John G. Roberts Jr, Dubya's latest pick), this written comment, a clear incursion into political affairs : "America is at war with radical Islamists"..
US voters should definitely make sure John McCain is not elected.
And the 5 last defensors of genuine Justice in their country should definitely watch for their health until next spring.


Back up

HRC did more than expected in her speech. She even preventively kicked some a.. attention her own supporters :

"So I want to say to my supporters, when you hear people saying – or think to yourself – “if only” or “what if,” I say, “please don’t go there.” Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward.
Life is too short, time is too precious, and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been." *

More than a graceful exit, it was an exit with punch and stamina. The fighter lost, but still standing on both feet.

Hillary will not become president unless Obama picks her up as a Veep and gets a RFK treatment. She still has a date with History. Byrd's dear Teddy may not be the last lion after all...

* The speech :


Dial Hillary for murder

I confess : a few months ago, I mentioned the risk of an assassination of BHO as a sick tribute to RFK+MLK 1968 murders*.

But as a fearful supporter, not an overambitious competitor, almost wishing for this dreadful June Surprise.

All right. Obama is no more Mr Perfect than MLK, RFK, JFK or even Bill Clinton. The man can be tought and macho. But you don't kill people for that reason.

All right. HRC is not an evil person and doesn't wish the death of her competitor - but thinking about this kind of topics (let alone wording it) shows how desperate she is to win.

Plus the Kennedy family don't need to be remembered these days how brains used to be blown away in the family.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is definitely losing her bearings, and the DNC committee may take notice next week.

Do you really want this person one heartbeat away from the top job ?

* cf "

I had a nightmare" - 20080214

NB : this post was initially published in French today (see "Hillary en appelle au meurtre" on blogules VF)


addendum 20080524 :

OK - she said the same thing last March to Time Magazine, including the mention of Bill's June 1992 rally. But does it change anything to it ?

I think Clinton is her own worst ennemy. Instead of letting the Wright controversy sink Obama she decided to pick up McCain's idea of gas tax. Wrong pick. Likewise, she spoiled her own reforms during her husband's first term.

Clinton crossed the yellow line too many times and no one balanced her in her own team. Unlike Plouffe or Axelrod McAuliffe is a barker. Step by step, all the good people around her flew away.

To me it's a question of character and management : Obama sticked to his principles and kept his team focused on the campaign guidelines he set from the start. Good guys tend to follow him.

That's the difference between a pack leader and a great leader.


Florida recount redux

After playing a populist tune for weeks, Hillary is focusing on the nasty side of party politics, pulling all the DNC strings she can. And the Clinton camp is putting all its weight in the May 31 meeting where the destiny of Michigan and Florida delegates will be sealed.

Actually, since she cannot change the maths, HRC's only way of winning now is to change the rules and thus to focus on those who make the rules.

The Senator of NY is rumored to hold a majority in the committee. Her Supreme Court may not produce such a fair and sound outcome.

Not a big change for Florida : the Sunshine State still remembers the Y2K bug with a nasty backstage rally courtesy the Bush friends and family.

PS : Hillary wants every FL and MI voter to count and I agree. But how about the voters who decided not to vote because they were told their vote wouldn't count, and / or because their favorite was not even on the ballot ? The figures of voters in FL and MI are impressive because those states are well populated, but compared to other primaries the proportional turnout was dramatically weak.


Values Question Marks

Douglas E. Schoen raised the "Obama and the Values Question Mark" issue in the Wall Street Journal.

I do believe the question marks to be much bigger as far as John McCain is concerned.

Obama didn't have to make compromises as damaging as those made by his GOP rival.

And McCain can lose his independent base as well as the theocon base he's desperately been courting for months : he will be under sniper fires from both sides.

... not to mention Obama who will ask a few questions. Such as :

- did you actually vote for Roe vs Wade before you voted against it ?
- did you actually not vote for Bush before you asked for the vote of his followers ?
- was your conference at the Discovery Institute a sign of change in the US educational system ? do you favor Intelligent Design ?
- ...

Question marks, anyone ?

PS (addendum 20080514) - ethics an issue, anyone ? - Amy Poehler a definitely spitting image of HRC :


Obama-Pelosi vs Operation Chaos

Rush Limbaugh delivered Indiana to the Clinton camp just like he did for Texas*.

I told you Hillary would either win ugly or lose uglier, but mercifully this time may be the end of this sick race were Hillary outroved bad cop Karl and Barack outkerried good cop John.

I hope Superdelegates will flock in tomorrow and end this mess. I've been longing for the Obama-Pelosi ticket for too long.

And I hope Billary will have the decency to give up before May the 31st their claim for delegates from Florida and Michigan (their campaign team actually did vote for the 2025 mark before they voted against it and started mentioning a 2029 "magic number").

* see "
Les conservateurs poussent Clinton" (20080317)


J Street - at last

With the benediction (!) of their Christian-and-Muslim-fundamentalist counterparts, warmonging hardliners managed to kill Rabin and redirect Israel towards the path of theocracy.

But being "pro Israel and pro peace" is becoming politically correct again. Even in the US, where the AIPAC is no longer the only lobby defending the interests of Israel.

Actually, AIPAC is acting against the interests of Israel and only defending the interests of hardliners. AIPAC is part of the mob deliberately fueling anger against Israel across the Muslim world and beyond : they paradoxically need to spread antisemitism everywhere, just because it helps their beloved dieharders to keep alive.

These guys have definitely been ruling the show for too long, and caused too much damage (even if the worst may still be to come - see "
Iran : who wants war and why" - 20070925).

This world does need diversity, especially as radical theories and overheated fake debates are overwhelming the media. No, this ain't no clash of civilizations. No, fundamentalists have no right to act as if they had already destroyed democracy. And yes, the public needs to know that Israel is no more a monolith than Iran, France or the US, that peace will happen in spite of what they're told.

But now there is hope for the vast majority of the moderates (Jews, Muslims, Christians, atheists, whatevers...) : a new a lobbying and advocacy organization really working for the good of Israel and its neighbors, and in favor of sounder international policies from the US of A.

I sincerely hope J Street are as good as they pretend to be, that they will be heard, and that they will reach out for their Muslim and Christian counterparts, taking part in the much awaited war of independence against fundamentalism (see "Universal Declaration of Independence From Fundamentalism" - 20070809).

J Street members are likely to receive quite a few blows from the AIPAC, but I hope they can take it. Make that double for Robert Malley, also an advisor to Obama (and thus familiar with hope, yesyoucanness, and undergoing nasty attacks from people supposed to defend the same values).


You too, take the time to read from J Street :

"Support a new vision for American policy in the Middle East

For too long, uncompromising right-wing leaders have imposed their narrow definition of what it means to be "pro-Israel" on American policy, undermining long-term Israeli and American security interests while squashing real debate about America's foreign policy in the Middle East. It is high time that mainstream Americans fought back.

Fight back today with J Street, a new pro-peace, pro-Israel political movement dedicated to a new direction for American foreign policy in the Middle East:

Together, we will fight for the best interests of Americans, Israelis, and all residents of the Middle East by forcefully advocating for a truly pro-Israel policy. We will make our case both on Capitol Hill and in the media by seeking (1) a real American commitment to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and (2) an American policy towards the Middle East based on working with allies and resolving conflicts through diplomacy.

Sign up today:


Jeremy, Carinne, Joel, and Isaac
The J Street Team

P.S. If you're on Facebook, join our Facebook group here:
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=14133986845 "


Billarsea outroving Karl Rove : the "Bradley effect" story

How to optimize Hillary's under 2 digit victory in PA ? Her staff spinned already well known demographics into the "Bradley effect" story and voilà, here you have Barack Obama, who rallied within a few weeks from a 20 point deficit in that State, presented as a perennial loser.

Come on.

The Billarsea (that's Billary + Chelsea, who's harrassing superdelegates until 3AM and beyond) machine is fighting the wrong war, destroying everything on the way to Clinton's nomination. I knew Hillary would either lose ugly or win uglier but this is getting nastier by the day.


Pope Music

Benedict XVI paid a visit to George W. Bush who greeted this fellow fundamentalist like the most important statesman on Earth... which he happens to be from their theocratic point of views.

Benedict XVI denounced paedophilia, nazism, and attacks against human rights (whose universality relies on - guess what ? - "natural law" and a divine origin). He even dared say religion shouldn't be part of any government... which would indeed appear pointless in his World where government is part of religion, and where no law is above God's law.

After six days of lamentation and contrition the show is over. From John Paul II's rock star attitude towards Benedict XVI's self lapidation, nothing changes.

Certainly not those other elderlies rolling stones in front of Scorsese's camera, and selling sympathy for the Devil to the masses.

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