Dial Hillary for murder
But as a fearful supporter, not an overambitious competitor, almost wishing for this dreadful June Surprise.
All right. Obama is no more Mr Perfect than MLK, RFK, JFK or even Bill Clinton. The man can be tought and macho. But you don't kill people for that reason.
All right. HRC is not an evil person and doesn't wish the death of her competitor - but thinking about this kind of topics (let alone wording it) shows how desperate she is to win.
Plus the Kennedy family don't need to be remembered these days how brains used to be blown away in the family.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is definitely losing her bearings, and the DNC committee may take notice next week.
Do you really want this person one heartbeat away from the top job ?
* cf "
NB : this post was initially published in French today (see "Hillary en appelle au meurtre" on blogules VF)
addendum 20080524 :
OK - she said the same thing last March to Time Magazine, including the mention of Bill's June 1992 rally. But does it change anything to it ?
I think Clinton is her own worst ennemy. Instead of letting the Wright controversy sink Obama she decided to pick up McCain's idea of gas tax. Wrong pick. Likewise, she spoiled her own reforms during her husband's first term.
Clinton crossed the yellow line too many times and no one balanced her in her own team. Unlike Plouffe or Axelrod McAuliffe is a barker. Step by step, all the good people around her flew away.
To me it's a question of character and management : Obama sticked to his principles and kept his team focused on the campaign guidelines he set from the start. Good guys tend to follow him.
That's the difference between a pack leader and a great leader.
I had a nightmare
This looks too good to be true : Barack gaining momentum (and even lately, the support of Bill's 1992 campaign manager David Wilhelm), theocons and neocons infuriated by McCain's lead, America has never been closer to restoring its core values and turning its back to obscurantism...
I should be rejoicing but I'm actually feeling kind of scared.
Fundamentalists won't let it go that easily and actually, I guess Romney was the one to "surrender to terror", escaping from an ever sicker race to the GOP Convention (that's God's Osama-style Party).
I've been fearing an assassination of Obama from Day One but unlike Doris Lessing, I don't think those madhatters would wait for him to be elected. They would even love the idea of celebrating the 40th anniversary of the murders of Martin Luther King and Bobby K.
But shooting at a MLK-RFK wannabe 40 years after the double murder of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy doesn't sound like a smart move. "Billary" could win South Carolina and sweep Florida clean, but what would they get at the end of the day ?
A ticket for the 2008 Superbowl for sure, but also big trouble within the Democratic party... not to mention yet another competitor from NY state (Mike Bloomberg).
America wants decency. America wants to get rid of win-ugly-presidents. America needs Obama.
White blogule to Dick Cheney - Shooting Star vs silver star
So I'm pleased to unanimously award Richard B. Cheney a white blogule for his almost perfect shot at his hunting pal in Texas**.
This white blogule rewards Mr. Cheney's creativity and dedication to invent new reasons why he should be the most hatable, abhorrent and repulsive man in the US.
Training all day long with the toughest emulators does help. For an Administration to reach this level of ignominy, it takes more than one Architect.
* Mr. Cheney courageously supported the said war while serving the Nixon and Ford administrations, and later proved his courage by voting against the Martin Luther King, Jr day, against the creation of the Department Of Education, against the overriding of Reagan's veto (protecting South Africa from sanctions for maintaining apartheid) or against the liberation of Nelson Mandela. Even after joining the private sector, he lobbied against the US boycotts of Iran & Lybia because they didn't help the eradication of terror, nor the development of Halliburton.
** Despite 10 pellets in the torso, neck and face, 78 year old Attorney Harry Whittington shall survive and remain at the Texas Funeral Services Commission as a chairman - not a commodity.