Showing posts with label John F. Kennedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John F. Kennedy. Show all posts


McCain has been "tested" as a soldier, not as the decision maker

McCain used the Cuba nuclear crisis to make his point "I've been tested, not that one"*.

The fact that he pictured himself on the USS Enterprise in a plane loaded with nuclear weapons, which he was not supposed to have ever piloted, should be enough to backfire on him. But more fundamentally, in this situation, McCain was tested as a soldier, not the decision maker. And after all, he wasn't tested all the way : he didn't even take off.

JFK was the one tested as a President, not him.

Now following the first wave of the financial krach, both McCain and Obama received the same 3 AM call. And guess who reacted as a leader and who reacted as a follower...

The point is McCain is not a good decision maker. He lacks judgement. But he does take decisions... only of the suicidal kind : ending up in the hands of the enemy and thus endangering the nation, picking the most dangerous person for the most vital job...

McCain is not a Maverick : he is a daredevil and a compulsive gambler**.

My friends, John McCain has been tested, and proven totally unfit for the job of President of the United States of America.

* "I was on board the USS Enterprise. I sat in the cockpit, on the flight deck of the USS Enterprise, off of Cuba. I had a target. My friends, you know how close we came to a nuclear war. America will not have a president who needs to be tested. I've been tested, my friends."
** see "A Maverick or a Gambler ?"


Dial Hillary for murder

I confess : a few months ago, I mentioned the risk of an assassination of BHO as a sick tribute to RFK+MLK 1968 murders*.

But as a fearful supporter, not an overambitious competitor, almost wishing for this dreadful June Surprise.

All right. Obama is no more Mr Perfect than MLK, RFK, JFK or even Bill Clinton. The man can be tought and macho. But you don't kill people for that reason.

All right. HRC is not an evil person and doesn't wish the death of her competitor - but thinking about this kind of topics (let alone wording it) shows how desperate she is to win.

Plus the Kennedy family don't need to be remembered these days how brains used to be blown away in the family.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is definitely losing her bearings, and the DNC committee may take notice next week.

Do you really want this person one heartbeat away from the top job ?

* cf "

I had a nightmare" - 20080214

NB : this post was initially published in French today (see "Hillary en appelle au meurtre" on blogules VF)


addendum 20080524 :

OK - she said the same thing last March to Time Magazine, including the mention of Bill's June 1992 rally. But does it change anything to it ?

I think Clinton is her own worst ennemy. Instead of letting the Wright controversy sink Obama she decided to pick up McCain's idea of gas tax. Wrong pick. Likewise, she spoiled her own reforms during her husband's first term.

Clinton crossed the yellow line too many times and no one balanced her in her own team. Unlike Plouffe or Axelrod McAuliffe is a barker. Step by step, all the good people around her flew away.

To me it's a question of character and management : Obama sticked to his principles and kept his team focused on the campaign guidelines he set from the start. Good guys tend to follow him.

That's the difference between a pack leader and a great leader.


Red blogule to the White House's Upper Deck - Trading Card and dis-Carding scapegoats

The scapegoat has eventually been found : he is Karl Rove's boss and no decision is taken in the White House without his knowledge. This powerful leader must quit at once.

Andrew H. Card Jr is responsible for everything*, from the disastrous handling of Katrina to the surrealistic nomination of Harriet E. Miers. He is certainly the one who said there were WMDs in Iraq and for all we know, he could even have shot JFK.

So the great decision maker who spends less time finding a scapegoat when he's under attack than reading "my pet goat" when his country's under attack, the great thinker who writes down such powerful memos as the now famous "I think I may need a bathroom break. Is this possible ?", The Great King Dubya, Lord of the Banana Republic of the Divided States of Amerika, will once again prove his wisdom and his character : He will fire His Chief of Staff or rather dis-Card him.

God bless Amerika and someone bring me a barf bag.

"Crises Raise Criticism of Bush's Chief of Staff" (NYT 20051018)



Red blogules to Walkers - oil for fool programs

George Walker B. asking US citizens to drive less in order to save gas* ? That Born Again Drunk Driver ? That very ruler of the Kingdom of SUV ? Next thing you know, Tom Waits will ask'em to quit smokin'... Amerika is running on empty, the budget trunk is empty, even the Pretzel Prez is empty. Coke wasn't strong enough for him : OD'ed on oil, then snorted pretzels and now gags on Greenhouse Gases. Yuck.

John B. Walker (head of the Independent Petroleum Association of America - or is it Petroleum Association Independant of America ? anyway, certainly not America Independant of Petroleum Association) seizes the opportunity and resumes lobbying : Alaska must save Amerika. Yuck.

America must save Alaska, but who will save America ? Joan Baez ? A new Kennedy ? Pat-Barack O'Bama ? Democrats ?
Nope : can't wait that long. Besides, the Reps must clean their own mess. They want to keep the power next year ? They'd better sideline the people who ruined their reputations. I expected this war of secession to start earlier but better late than sorry.

* "To Conserve Gas, President Calls for Less Driving" (NYT 20050927)
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