I know the GOP shouldn't be evil, but you don't want to make President Obama angry either...
From Saturday Night Live, he's facing the hulk of a problem and not with his green agenda :
Showing posts with label SNL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SNL. Show all posts
The Screwing Up Buck Stops Here
"I think I messed up. I screwed up"... "This was something that was my fault"... "It's something that I take responsibility for"... "I'm going to screw up sometimes"... "Making sure that when I screw up that I'm taking responsibility for it"...
I think we got the message, Barack.
On CBS News ("Obama On Daschle : I messed Up" - 20090203), President Obama offered a mea culpa* diametrically opposite to Sarah Palin's utterly screwed up bravado facing the same Katie Couric last autumn (in memoriam, watch the far less embarrassing Poehler-Fey version : "Couric-Palin @ SNL").
John McCain did use the same words in front of David Letterman... but in order to apologize for a no (TV) show. Not to take the blame for a series of unfortunate vettings as a President-Elect as well as as a POTUS.
Change has come to America : mistakes are being done, but they are spotted early, recognized as such, and dealt with swiftly and in full transparency.
Not to mention the fact, of course, that they have far milder consequences.
A few weeks after Israel**, America is using executive power a very disproportionate way.
But this apparently weaker message resonates much stronger.
And the World is listening.
* mea minima culpa - thou art forgiven, my son
** see "Come Feb. 10th, Will Israel Embrace History Or Vote Bush-Cheney 2004 ?"
I think we got the message, Barack.
On CBS News ("Obama On Daschle : I messed Up" - 20090203), President Obama offered a mea culpa* diametrically opposite to Sarah Palin's utterly screwed up bravado facing the same Katie Couric last autumn (in memoriam, watch the far less embarrassing Poehler-Fey version : "Couric-Palin @ SNL").
John McCain did use the same words in front of David Letterman... but in order to apologize for a no (TV) show. Not to take the blame for a series of unfortunate vettings as a President-Elect as well as as a POTUS.
Change has come to America : mistakes are being done, but they are spotted early, recognized as such, and dealt with swiftly and in full transparency.
Not to mention the fact, of course, that they have far milder consequences.
A few weeks after Israel**, America is using executive power a very disproportionate way.
But this apparently weaker message resonates much stronger.
And the World is listening.
* mea minima culpa - thou art forgiven, my son
** see "Come Feb. 10th, Will Israel Embrace History Or Vote Bush-Cheney 2004 ?"
Barack Obama,
David Letterman,
John McCain,
Katie Couric,
Sarah Palin,
McCain-Palin @ SNL (and QVC)
John McCain as himself and Tina Fey as the Cariboo Barbie / white Oprah.
John is sadly good at this. He reminds me of Bob Dole doing ads after his memorable loss... Was it for Viagra or incontinence diapers ?
John is sadly good at this. He reminds me of Bob Dole doing ads after his memorable loss... Was it for Viagra or incontinence diapers ?
Bob Dole,
John McCain,
Sarah Palin,
Tina Fey,
October Surprise : W. delivers FL to McCain

Dubya eventually picked Syria to deliver the October Surprise McCain needed (red flag provoquing an artificial tension). Smart move : putting economy behind security was one thing, but boosting AIPAC vs JStreet may help the GOP keep FL red.
W. : "Here is the October Surprise you needed, John. My unprovoqued aggression of Syria will put economy behind security, and Florida is yours."
Mc : " Thanks, my friend. Do I need to put the bombs on my campaign budget ?"
PS (addendum 20081027) - the US attack Syria because the US didn't defend Syria enough : "Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem of Syria accused the United States earlier this year of not giving his country the equipment needed to prevent foreign fighters from crossing into Iraq. He said Washington feared Syria could use such equipment against Israel."(IHT 20081026 "US choppers attack Syrian village near Iraq border")
Bonus : TNL endorsement of McCain-Palin by Ferrell / Bush :
Darrell Hammond,
george w. bush,
J Street,
John McCain,
Sarah Palin,
Tina Fey,
Walid al Moallem,
Will Ferrell
Sarah Palin @ SNL
Tina's fancy patriot walking :
Amy's Palin rap :
Too bad the show was ruined by a fake moose and a fake candidate.
Amy's Palin rap :
Too bad the show was ruined by a fake moose and a fake candidate.
Amy Poehler,
Sarah Palin,
Tina Fey,
SNL Prez debate #2 - Mac lost his bearings
Featuring Barack Obama / Fred Armisen, John McCain / Darrell Hammond, Tom Brokaw / Chris Parnell and William Murray / Bill Murray
+ Actors Studio bonus : I like to say "body language doesn't lie", but Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks went much further on the Huffington Post ("Body Politics: Sarah Palin's Body Language And Why It Should Worry You"). Here are the first 3 flags they raised about Sarah Palin (2 more to come) :
- Attitude-Flag #1: The Aggressive Confidence Of The Con-Person
- Voice-Flag #1: The Exaggerated Folksiness Of The Huckster
- Voice-Flag #2: The Metallic Shriek Of The Fear-Monger
- Attitude-Flag #1: The Aggressive Confidence Of The Con-Person
- Voice-Flag #1: The Exaggerated Folksiness Of The Huckster
- Voice-Flag #2: The Metallic Shriek Of The Fear-Monger
Barack Obama,
Darrell Hammond,
Fred Armisen,
John McCain,
Tom Brokaw,
Debate # 2 : XXIst Century wins

In a dull re-run of the previous debate*, McCain lost one of his last chances of changing the dynamics of his erratic campaign.
Even on his own turf (Town Hall format), and even with the help of Tom Brokaw (the ultimate loser tonight : he didn't even prevent the Senator of Arizona from reaching across the aisle and shaking hands with a member of the audience), McCain lost.
Condemned to control himself in front of the camera (which did catch some angry moments in the background, though**), stuck to XXth century role models (clumsily courting Reagan fans), and XXth century solutions that are not solutions (like Tina Fey's Palin plegdes to "fix it" in every sentence, he keeps saying "I know how to" without actually telling how), McCain lost.
Claiming a "vision of the future" but exposing a vision of the past while the next President set the pace for the next century, McCain lost.
Referring to other people's ideas while the next President articulated views that resonated in everybody's minds, McCain lost.
Moreover, Barack Obama won. Against the XXth century's last presidential candidate, he smacked grand slam homeruns on economy and health care, but he also claimed Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan (leaving only "tiny" Georgia to Sakash's pal)***.
Tonight, many Americans must feel even more comfortable with such a Commander in Chief.
McCain ? His "vision of the future" doesn't point to the White House. If he truly wants to save the country, he must first win the McCainistan war and second lose the November elections.
* see "Debate # 1 : McCain didn't lose, and President Obama spared him"
** watch him grab his chair in the background while Obama's speaking. The chair didn't break and that's the only difference with Amy Poehler / Hillary during Fey's first SNL stunt.
*** in the process, great admissions on "I don't understand" (... why invade Iraq instead of fighting terrorists where they actually were) or "Government intrusion" (... to crack down big corporation abuses) - funny : we didn't even hear once the word "maverick" tonight...
Amy Poehler,
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
Tina Fey,
Tom Brokaw,
SNL Palin-Biden debate : easy win(k) for Tina
Easy win(k) for Tina...
... but Darrell Hammond deserves a re-run :
... but Darrell Hammond deserves a re-run :
Bill Clinton,
Darrell Hammond,
Joe Biden,
Queen Latifah,
Sarah Palin,
Tina Fey,
Couric-Palin @ SNL
A well deserved break from Saturday Night Live : Katie Couric (Amy Poehler + Junior) blinking at Tina Fey / Sarah Palin :
Back ta ya gals and boys.
Back ta ya gals and boys.
Amy Poehler,
Katie Couric,
Sarah Palin,
Tina Fey,
Debate # 1 : McCain didn't lose, and President Obama spared him
McCain didn't lose, which can be considered a win.
Abusing of Rove / Schmidt tactics (ie repeating "Senator Obama doesn't understand" / "doesn't get it", when McCain actually is the one who's to blame), John made the best of the little he had, stuck at the tactical level (surge) when Barack was trying to lift the debate at the strategical level (going to war).
Obama missed several opportunities. He was great on foreign issues, but not incisive enough on economics. He didn't attack McCain on his key contradictions, and to the surprise and relief of his rival, he didn't even mention his ties with lobbyists (if the GOP candidate wants to change Wall Street, the first guys to fire are his own campaign team, whom HE appointed, and not the SEC chairman, whom HE cannot fire).
At times, it felt like Bush-Kerry redux : a populist, sneaky, bent but humorous reptile dancing in front of a tall presidential figure with a clear vision, clear values. I don't know if independent voters will be fooled by McCain's dance, but fundamentalists must have enjoyed the Bushish vocabulary ("greed", "evil", "Holocaust"...).
McCain has no choice but playing the emotional, "compassionate not so conservative" tune, and Obama needs Americans to sober up, but without sounding like a party crasher.
Addendum : the SNL version featuring Darrell Hammond / McCain and Fred Armisen / Obama (about suspensions and suspenders...) :
Barack Obama,
Fred Armisen,
george w. bush,
John Kerry,
John McCain,
Collapses in Wall Street and Alaska
The fundamentals of the McCain-Palin ticket sound as good as those of the US economy...
The Palin Imposture :
- a "Maverick" shaking DC... with Cheney's neocon agenda and Bush's theocon agenda
- an "independent" reaching across the aisle... but firing anybody who disagree with her
- an agent of change... who doesn't even believe in Evolution
- in favor of investigation... but not of subpoenas
- ready to protect the country... but running Alaska from an unprotected Yahoo! account
- ...
Q "Well John, don't you think it's time to accept you're not good at casting people fit for the job ?"
A "I haven't changed my mind: I think... I'll have my staff get back to you"
PS / bonus : for the road, Fey / Palin's premiere at SNL with Poehler / Hillary :
PS / bonus : for the road, Fey / Palin's premiere at SNL with Poehler / Hillary :
Amy Poehler,
Hillary R. Clinton,
John McCain,
Sarah Palin,
Tina Fey,
Values Question Marks
Douglas E. Schoen raised the "Obama and the Values Question Mark" issue in the Wall Street Journal.
I do believe the question marks to be much bigger as far as John McCain is concerned.
Obama didn't have to make compromises as damaging as those made by his GOP rival.
And McCain can lose his independent base as well as the theocon base he's desperately been courting for months : he will be under sniper fires from both sides.
... not to mention Obama who will ask a few questions. Such as :
- did you actually vote for Roe vs Wade before you voted against it ?
- did you actually not vote for Bush before you asked for the vote of his followers ?
- was your conference at the Discovery Institute a sign of change in the US educational system ? do you favor Intelligent Design ?
- ...
Question marks, anyone ?
PS (addendum 20080514) - ethics an issue, anyone ? - Amy Poehler a definitely spitting image of HRC :
I do believe the question marks to be much bigger as far as John McCain is concerned.
Obama didn't have to make compromises as damaging as those made by his GOP rival.
And McCain can lose his independent base as well as the theocon base he's desperately been courting for months : he will be under sniper fires from both sides.
... not to mention Obama who will ask a few questions. Such as :
- did you actually vote for Roe vs Wade before you voted against it ?
- did you actually not vote for Bush before you asked for the vote of his followers ?
- was your conference at the Discovery Institute a sign of change in the US educational system ? do you favor Intelligent Design ?
- ...
Question marks, anyone ?
PS (addendum 20080514) - ethics an issue, anyone ? - Amy Poehler a definitely spitting image of HRC :
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