Showing posts with label Pentagon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pentagon. Show all posts


ReOpenReOpenReOpen911 - the Pentagony continues

I'm still being harrassed by self proclaimed "Truthers" (see "9/11 Truthers Knockin' At Your Door"). These guys are at the same time very stubborn and very inconsistent : after all these years you would think they eventually found their own "official version" but it keeps changing, moving from one hot air bubble to another.

I tried to figure out their non-euclidian-non-darwinian versioning path for the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, and It goes like this :

1. Nothing happened on September the 11th, 2001 at the Pentagon.
2. Witnesses and cameras did see a plane crash on the Pentagon, causing a major explosion, but they were all victims of an optical illusion.
3. Plane debris and passenger bodies were found, but they actually were material sent from Hollywood - probably stuff from the Weinstein brothers or that Katzenberg guy, I guess...
4. Right. There WAS an explosion but it was caused by a missile. There NEVER was any plane that day in the vicinity of the Pentagon.
5. To be more accurate, there was not ONE plane but TWO : besides the Boeing, a military aircraft shot the missile.
6. No one testified for the military plane ? Precisely ! It definitely proves the DoD did it : stealth aircrafts have their fingerprints all over' em.
7. Granted, there was a Boeing, and it gave the illusion that it crashed on the Pentagon, but that was a hologram.
8. The CIA hired David Copperfield on that one. He never succeeded in large scale mass illusions, and the sky was totally cloudless that day, but this miraculous hologram establishes the superiority of US innovation. The sound hologram was particularly spectacular.
9. Still not convinced ? I'll play it again, then : the plane did exist and did crash on the Pentagon. Happy now ? What you don't get is that it was a drone remotely operated like a missile. You see, doesn't everything fit ?
10. The 9/11 victims ? They never existed. Or rather : 125 names were picked in the DoD files, 64 among passengers and crew having used American Airlines 77 between September 1991 and August. They all died or disappeared under strange circumstances within hours after the so called attack on the Pentagon.
11. We're getting closer now. To wrap it up : flight American Airlines 77 did take off, with these 64 people on board. But it never landed, because its GPS went berserk : programmed to crash on WTC 7, the plane eventually destroyed the AZF factory near Toulouse, France, on September 21.
12. Anyway, the probability for these very 64 people to meet that very day in this very plane and in this very place is close to zero, so this flight simply cannot have existed. By the way, prove me that God never existed if you dare.
13. The Pentagon doesn't exist. It's a hologram.
14. The United States of America are a hologram created by the KGB.
15. Barack Obama is a hologram remotely operated by Lyndon LaRouche.
16. I'm a hologram programed to reopen each time I'm sent back the image of my own vacuity.

blogules 2009 - see the original on blogules in French ("Truthers : la Pentagonnade continue"), not this mere hologramme


USS War Censorship Sunk

Robert Gates announced the end of the ban on photographing caskets of war dead*, a ban initiated by George H. W. Bush during the 1991 Gulf War.

To me, this tells a lot about a country willing to make peace and end war, and puts an end to a shameful tradition of hiding the truth to the US audience.

Remember how US Weapons of Mass Disinformation used to make a show of "surgical strikes" and other "clean war" impostures ?

Remember how the first pictures of scores of caskets, lined up in an army aircraft on its way from Baghdad, caused a scandal not because of the reason why those unlucky people where sent to death in the first place, but because such "un-American" images could undermine the morale of a nation at war ?

Remember how W. got reelected because he had the courage to take the decision of going to war, and not kicked out of the White House because he was coward enough to dodge his own military duties decades earlier, and crazy enough to take that doomed decision on the sole basis of
his own fundamentalist's hidden agenda ?

Of course, let us not be fooled by the timing of Gate's announcement : the Defense Secretary is not only speeding up the withdrawal process (now US viewers must all understand it's better to get the heck out of Iraq as scheduled), but also pointing out fundamental differences between Obama and Bush at the very moment when journalists take notice of some similarities in the way war is being waged.

The Bush-Cheney propaganda era may be over, some positive spin can't hurt.

Can it ?

* as long, of course, as each family agrees - see "
Pentagon OKs media photos of war dead overturning Bush's 1991 ban" (NY Daily News 20090226)


Red blogule to Dadullah's Warholian 15 minutes

And the winner is... Mullah Dadullah Akhund, the new bad guy at the top of Amerika's Most Wanted list. After one-eyed Mullah Omar, one-legged Dadullah prepares the next wave (a one-balled mullah ?) with a truly ugly reputation. Moreover, the choice of Pentagon Channel reassesses the central role of Afghanistan in its (last)breathtaking "War On Terror" drama.
You don't want to miss Season IV.


Red blogule to the US CENTCOM - paint it black

Sick and tired of listening to CENTCOM briefings with daily claims of a dozen so-called Qaeda members (half of which under 7 year-old "terrorists"), the US audience cheered the death of Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, a genuine thug with a fake al Qaeda label.
Now the propaganda experts feel strange : the non-event of this death exposes a disgraceful vacuum. The top bad guy (Osama Broadcasting Laden) remains at large and the US army in Iraq lacks a marketable target... Unless the Pentagon decides to go after al Sadr and thus officialize the civil war.
They'd better sponsor some other suicidal wannabe, give some other thug his Warhol's 15 mn of fame. Prime time, live or dead.


Red blogule to "America Supports You"

Every now and then (when in Seoul), I tune to AFN Korea. Fifteen years ago, it was still called AFKN (Air Force Korea Network) and the proportion of news and personals related to the US bases in Korea would be much higher. BBQ at Camp Casey and that kind of stuff, any Korean resident could learn about the boys' lifestyle beyond what they could see from their own eyes (GIs leaving their Yongsan lairs only to cruise Itaewon's red light district). Back then, I would have my own pass to the Army base, a vast island of quietness in the heart of the city of traffic lights.
Now da boyz are about to leave the area and Korea to recover this precious land. A public park was already created back in 1993, and from the new and ugly (but for its contents) National Museum you can see what's left of the base. The Dragon Hill lodge is still there but there's not much greenery left, nor much space for breathing. I hope Korean developpers will make something nice out of this... (I think I may need a dream break Condi, is this possible ?)

Anyway... AFN Korea is now AFN Asia Pacific flavored with a few local insights. Instead of commercials, troops are still carpet bombed with Weapons of Mass Distraction (all major sports, series, games...), pearls of wisdom (don't pick your nose, brush your teeth and keep ready for war), morale lifting injections (you serve a great country, learn more about things that shaped Amerika in your public library), and Pentagon Propaganda.
"America Supports You" belongs to the last two categories. People from the street tell their love of what you guys are doin' and like in Sesame Street, they come in all shapes and colors because they are the American melting pot. Here, it's very easy being green, especially a green beret or a Vietnam vet, provided you support Rummy's doctrine with a smile on your face.
I don't know how the said troops react to these shorties. To me they sound like a compulsory long distance feelgood call, a sad farewell - thank you for taking the bullets overthere, we sure do appreciate what you do even if we don't quite get why you do it, but we're much better safe at home, thank you. I'll put a flag on my lawn right away to keep the bad luck outta my place - praise God my son is not among you.

The program is supposed to bring America closer to its military but it exposes how Dubya's Amerika is far away from its own troops. I tell you what Don : America doesn't support you.


Red blogule to CENTCOM pictures incorporated

At last ! The US Army liberating from evil treatments hundreds of detainees, including 13 needing hospitalization. And this time, we are not responsible for the torture : it's that nasty Iraqi regime we put at the head of the new and improved Iraq. We've got bad guys within our ranks but look : torture is an Iraqi thing. It's embedded in their DNA ! Who knows, it could be Saddam's WMDs and nerve gases attacking the very souls of every single person living there !
The US have nerves, all right. This telegenic bravado is supposed to remind the audience Amerika is not the only country fighting this nasty war, but it should remind everybody this war wasn't necessary. There were other ways of castrating Saddam Hussein, and there were certainly other things to do to truly fight terror.


Red blogule to Halliburton and the 40 thieves

Remember last sunday, when George W. Bush was criticized for not acting quickly enough in the Hurricane Katrina aftermath ? To the contrary, the Prez proved to show a lot of compassion for his most beloved citizens, Halliburton management : on monday, The Houston Business Journal noticed Kellog Brown & Root had already begun work on a $500 M U.S. Navy contract in the Gulf (the Hurricane Katrina damaged Gulf of Mexico, that is*).
No wonder both the Administration and Cheney Inc set the same priorities : earlier this year, the company subsidiary hired Joe Allbaugh, Bush's former campaign manager. A man who would know all about spotting a potential jackpot since he chaired the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) after leading Dubya to the crown in 2000.
Wars and natural disasters meant as business opportunities. Budget deficits built for big corporation profits. An again, please don't show any picture of these dead bodies, will you ? Let the official Propaganda celebrate the 4th anniversary of the destruction of the Twin Towers and The Pentagon by Saddam Hussein. Welcome to the Banana Republic of the Divided States of Amerika.
Impeachment ? No way, unless the Reps flunk badly next year, which I doubt since The Architect, the ultimate Intelligent Designer of smear campaigns, the very Karl Rove who should be charged for treason, is at work too.

* Regarding the other Gulf, more about "Ali Burton and the forty thieves" in my 2003-2004
hand-made blogules.


Red blogule to Freedom Walk - the Grey Pride

Strange. America Supports You's Freedom Walk website isn't working today.
As if it weren't such a good idea to link the war in Iraq and 9/11 anymore.
As if it sounded like a sick Grey Pride : keep walking with us folks, we brought you war, we brought you social collapse, and we sure have lotsa good ideas for the years to come.
As if they suddenly feared no one would turn out. Don Rum can't even mobilize army people : he needs them to fish corpses in Iraq and Louisiana.
So because the site is down, people cannot register or enroll to enjoy their Freedom to Walk.
America supports you, but who is supporting Bush's Amerika ???


Red blogule to the Contra-terrorism squad

Much has been said about John Negroponte's past in the troubled Contra scandal, involving torture in Honduras and sponsoring terrorist activities. Well this man should know about intelligence, and the former Honduras, UN and Iraq ambassador may have changed. Everybody has a right to make mistakes, but there is a pattern : strangely enough, 3 other former Contra men have been promoted at key positions since last november elections :
  • John Poindexter : the new Information Awareness Office Director at the Pentagon lied to the Congress and was convicted several times
  • Elliot Abrams : this man pleaded guilty to have not disclosed information about the scandal. Five years later Bush I forgave him and now Bush II appoints him head of his Middle East task force
  • Otto Reich : from the State Department, Reich would be involved in illegal pro-Contra propaganda. He's now working for the Western Hemisphere Affairs.
So in this lovely Administration, the head of justice promotes torture and the people in charge of counter-terrorism and diplomacy used to sponsor terror and torture. You know what you've got to do if you want to be promoted. Just stick to the stick.
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