Red Blogule to Jeb Bush - The Disaster Brothers

So Mr Natural Catastrophe decided to pay a visit to the Asian shores devastated by last week's tsunamis. Unlike his brother George, a master in manmade disasters, Jeb seems more interested in the destructions caused by Mother Nature. Anyway, the Governor of Florida feels like getting some international exposure. Wonder why ?
Habemus papam folks ! Our Dear Compassionate Leader has found the next ruler for the Bush dynasty. Daddy Herb may call him "44" soon. Stephane MOT

1 comment:

  1. My sentiments exactly, Stephane! Je suis d'accord. My instant reaction of the news that Jeb was on the job was that his stupid brother, mon cher president, was trying to get Jeb his next job. A sick and twisted dynasty "a l'americain." Cheers.


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