Showing posts with label Nafissatou Diallo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nafissatou Diallo. Show all posts


DSK is not 'not guilty' : US Justice's standards are poor

Even if the case has been dropped, Dominique Strauss-Kahn is not 'not guilty' : New York D.A. Cyrus Vance Jr is guilty of cowardice, and the US Judiciary guilty of mixing politics with justice.

I more than reasonably doubt that Mr Vance believes DSK to be innocent.

I more than reasonably doubt that this masquerade will serve women's rights : for rape victims, the Nafissatou Diallo jurisprudence states that you are not a Saint you will be treated as a whore.
I more than reasonably doubt that the judicial system that spared O. J. Simpson is just.

I more than reasonably doubt that in a democracy District Attorneys should be elected directly by the people and campaigning as politicians.

US Justice's standards are poor : it should be downgraded.

blogules 2011


Show me the money, Mr Strauss Kahn

If DSK's outrageous, $35,000-a-month new home in NYC was hard to swallow for fellow French socialists, the former IMF boss doesn't care much about politics these days. And the message is first intended to the alleged victim's lawyers.

Here it goes :

We cannot contact you, but know that money is not an issue for us.
It may be for Nafissatou Diallo, that client of yours, a brave single mom maid coming from a poor African country and living in a not so nice neighborhood. She can't offer you much beyond the satisfaction of doing something good for her and furthermore for Cyrus Vance Jr, that ambitious DA who will never make it into the Big League.
You already know that this trial won't be a walk in the park for you nor for Nafissatou : our own teams have been digging everywhere, and you know how nasty things can become. Our client's honor has already been tarnished*, but he's ready to put that aside. A nice, fat settlement would be a win win win situation, don't you think ?
Name your price.
Yours falsely.

blogules 2011

* see former episode : "
DSK's appallingchian trail"
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