Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts
Smile, you're on Candid Democracy
Elba Esther Gordillo
Head of National Education Workers' Union
Mexico (1989-2013)
Faces justice for embezzling $ 156 M
Silvio Berlusconi
Prime Minister
Italy (1994-95, 2001-06, 2008-11...)
Faces justice for tax evasion, corruption, bribery, abuse of power, soliciting minors for sex, Zlatanic cleansing of AC Milan...
Nip, tuck, corrupt...
Smile, you're on Candid Democracy
blogules 2013
Since 2003, nonsensical posts about noncritical issues in nonenglish (get your blogules transfusion in French)
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Elba Esther Gordillo,
Silvio Berlusconi
Angry Birds - Acropolis
Can European leaders destroy the Greek landmark, move to the next level, and break their debt records ? This version of the "Angry Birds" game looks rather easy.
The dream team is ready:
- first you've got the small red bird, the EU. You know, the whatchacallit stuff around the EuroZone, where David Cameron is sometimes invited to give a speech. Totally powerless, but if it keeps knocking at your door it can cause some damage.
- then there's the yellow bird, Sarkozy. A pointed face and a crooked walk, but it can suddenly accelerate and crash head first into whatever's on its way. Spectacular, but it can't huff and puff a real wall down all by himself.
- now the big red bird, that's a completely different story. That's Merkel. It's slow and heavy, and it doesn't move often... but when it does, even the hearth trembles.
- another bird that can cause havoc ? The black one, Berlusconi. A touchy thing that can't fly far, but when it lands it simply explodes and destroys everything.
- I almost forgot to mention the blue bird, the Baltic states. From a distance it looks like a tiny small fella, until you realize there are three of them. Still not very powerful, but boy can they break'em glass ceilings !
- but the bird that's the closest to finish the game is the white one, Papandreou. This egghead moves slowly, then drops his bomb, and escapes in a hurry.
Next level : Angry Birds - Roma.
blogules 2011
The dream team is ready:
- first you've got the small red bird, the EU. You know, the whatchacallit stuff around the EuroZone, where David Cameron is sometimes invited to give a speech. Totally powerless, but if it keeps knocking at your door it can cause some damage.
- then there's the yellow bird, Sarkozy. A pointed face and a crooked walk, but it can suddenly accelerate and crash head first into whatever's on its way. Spectacular, but it can't huff and puff a real wall down all by himself.
- now the big red bird, that's a completely different story. That's Merkel. It's slow and heavy, and it doesn't move often... but when it does, even the hearth trembles.
- another bird that can cause havoc ? The black one, Berlusconi. A touchy thing that can't fly far, but when it lands it simply explodes and destroys everything.
- I almost forgot to mention the blue bird, the Baltic states. From a distance it looks like a tiny small fella, until you realize there are three of them. Still not very powerful, but boy can they break'em glass ceilings !
- but the bird that's the closest to finish the game is the white one, Papandreou. This egghead moves slowly, then drops his bomb, and escapes in a hurry.
Next level : Angry Birds - Roma.
blogules 2011
European Court of Human Rights slams fundamentalists (a)cross Italia and Europe
"The State was to refrain from imposing beliefs in premises where individuals were dependent on it" : so Italy will have to stop allowing crucifixes in courts or worse, public schools.
To support its sound decision*, the European Court of Human Rights specifically mentioned arguments traditionnally used by religious conservatives : the right for the parents to educate their children according to their own beliefs, the right for the childre to freedom of religion.
The plaintiff, Mrs Soile Lautsi, a Finnish-born Italian mother, will receive EUR 5,000 in damages. But this is not about money, and all partisans of secularism across Europe should rejoice : mixing religious signs with public service clearly insults to the very essence of democracy and republican values. Judge Luigi Tosti also fought for this vital cause, putting his career in jeopardy because he refused to enter in court rooms featuring a crucifix.
Once again, this is not about atheism vs. religion, but about democracy vs. fundamentalism AND about religion vs. fundamentalism. Secularism is the only way to protect at the same time democracy AND religion from their common and most lethal enemy.
Needless to say, the Lega Nord, the Re-Reformed Church of Chief Fundamentalist Benedict XVI, and other fundamentalists from all confessions** didn't welcome such resistance before the probable inauguration of one of them at the first continental leader (see "Tony Blair : a newborn fundamentalist President of Europe ?").
Yesterday, Minister of "Education" Mariastella Gelmini tried to make crucifixes pass for "symboles of Italian tradition"... The usual neo-creationist trick : multiply smoke screens, ban from the vocabulary all religious reference, deny any hidden agenda / wedge strategy, and send coward, submarine strikes against science, education, and democracy (see cf "En finir avec l'Intelligent Design").
The battle is not over : Italy's Supreme Court revoked in 2004 a 2003 judgement banning crucifixes from schools and courts without bringing any legal justification, and the European Court of Human Rights must brace against furious attacks from fundamentalists, most likely using their usual proxies within European political spheres (i.e. Luc van den Brande).
This battle is not a new one, but it's now official and out in the open : like the US before, Europe fights for its very survival as a symbol of democracy against its worst enemies, imposters from within.
blogules 2009
also in French : "La Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme crucifie les fondamentalistes"
* "Communiqué du Greffier - Arrêt de chambre - Lautsi c. Italie (requête n° 30814/06)" - the English Version :
** I cannot imagine any better message for moderate Muslims struggling to eradicate fundamentalism across the world (i.e. most recently Al-Azhar University in Egypt banning the niqab, or the heated debate about "France, secularism and burqa").
ADDENDUM 20091104
I replaced the French version (below) by the English Version (above) :
To support its sound decision*, the European Court of Human Rights specifically mentioned arguments traditionnally used by religious conservatives : the right for the parents to educate their children according to their own beliefs, the right for the childre to freedom of religion.
The plaintiff, Mrs Soile Lautsi, a Finnish-born Italian mother, will receive EUR 5,000 in damages. But this is not about money, and all partisans of secularism across Europe should rejoice : mixing religious signs with public service clearly insults to the very essence of democracy and republican values. Judge Luigi Tosti also fought for this vital cause, putting his career in jeopardy because he refused to enter in court rooms featuring a crucifix.
Once again, this is not about atheism vs. religion, but about democracy vs. fundamentalism AND about religion vs. fundamentalism. Secularism is the only way to protect at the same time democracy AND religion from their common and most lethal enemy.
Needless to say, the Lega Nord, the Re-Reformed Church of Chief Fundamentalist Benedict XVI, and other fundamentalists from all confessions** didn't welcome such resistance before the probable inauguration of one of them at the first continental leader (see "Tony Blair : a newborn fundamentalist President of Europe ?").
Yesterday, Minister of "Education" Mariastella Gelmini tried to make crucifixes pass for "symboles of Italian tradition"... The usual neo-creationist trick : multiply smoke screens, ban from the vocabulary all religious reference, deny any hidden agenda / wedge strategy, and send coward, submarine strikes against science, education, and democracy (see cf "En finir avec l'Intelligent Design").
The battle is not over : Italy's Supreme Court revoked in 2004 a 2003 judgement banning crucifixes from schools and courts without bringing any legal justification, and the European Court of Human Rights must brace against furious attacks from fundamentalists, most likely using their usual proxies within European political spheres (i.e. Luc van den Brande).
This battle is not a new one, but it's now official and out in the open : like the US before, Europe fights for its very survival as a symbol of democracy against its worst enemies, imposters from within.
blogules 2009
also in French : "La Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme crucifie les fondamentalistes"
* "Communiqué du Greffier - Arrêt de chambre - Lautsi c. Italie (requête n° 30814/06)" - the English Version :
Violation of Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 (right to education)
examined jointly with Article 9 (freedom of thought, conscience and religion)
of the European Convention on Human Rights
Under Article 41 (just satisfaction) of the Convention, the Court awarded the applicant 5,000 euros (EUR) in respect of non-pecuniary damage.
The State was to refrain from imposing beliefs in premises where individuals were dependent on it. In particular, it was required to observe confessional neutrality in the context of public education, where attending classes was compulsory irrespective of religion, and where the aim should be to foster critical thinking in pupils.
** I cannot imagine any better message for moderate Muslims struggling to eradicate fundamentalism across the world (i.e. most recently Al-Azhar University in Egypt banning the niqab, or the heated debate about "France, secularism and burqa").
ADDENDUM 20091104
I replaced the French version (below) by the English Version (above) :
Violation de l'article 2 du protocole n° 1 (droit à l'instruction) examiné conjointement avec l'article 9 (liberté de pensée, de conscience et de religion) de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme.
En application de l'article 41 (satisfaction équitable) de la Convention, la Cour alloue 5 000 euros (EUR) à la requérante pour dommage moral.
"L'Etat doit s'abstenir d'imposer des croyances dans les lieux où les personnes sont dépendantes de lui. Il est notamment tenu à la neutralité confessionnelle dans le cadre de l’éducation publique où la présence aux cours est requise sans considération de religion et qui doit chercher à inculquer aux élèves une pensée critique".
Red blogule to Silvio Desperate Jail Life Berlusconi
This man just can't stand losing. Even Karl Rove and a Florida scenario didn't help him keep his job. Now he wants to build a grand national coalition, provoque new elections, do anything to escape judgement day.
His right wing partners are ready to wage a gerrilla against the future government, which tells how much they care for the country compared to their own interests. Berlusconi already spent the bulk of his ruling time increasing and protecting his wealth, devoting his energy to an indecent fight against law.
Prodi is weak enough to be overwhelmed by Hurricane Silvio but how strong is Italian democracy ?
His right wing partners are ready to wage a gerrilla against the future government, which tells how much they care for the country compared to their own interests. Berlusconi already spent the bulk of his ruling time increasing and protecting his wealth, devoting his energy to an indecent fight against law.
Prodi is weak enough to be overwhelmed by Hurricane Silvio but how strong is Italian democracy ?
Karl Rove,
Romano Prodi,
Silvio Berlusconi
White blogule to the Cardinal of Uqbar - Habemus Papam !
Habemus papam ! Don't look for white smoke yet (the vote didn't even start) but here's the scoop : the cardinals will elect the Cardinal of Uqbar as the next Pope.
Besides speaking perfect Italian, Latin, Tlön, German, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic, this erudite man is a brilliant tennis player, go master and poker champion. He was made cardinal long before John Paul II took over by George Louis I and is expected to rule as George Louis II.
George Louis II is already working on Vatican III - The war of the domes (a sequel to Vatican II and a prequel to Vatican IV, the Rise of the Elderlies) and will give next week the first benediction Urbi, Orbi et Orbis Tertius.
Besides speaking perfect Italian, Latin, Tlön, German, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic, this erudite man is a brilliant tennis player, go master and poker champion. He was made cardinal long before John Paul II took over by George Louis I and is expected to rule as George Louis II.
George Louis II is already working on Vatican III - The war of the domes (a sequel to Vatican II and a prequel to Vatican IV, the Rise of the Elderlies) and will give next week the first benediction Urbi, Orbi et Orbis Tertius.
Benedict XVI,
John Paul II,
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