Donald vs Trump

One of the things the Donald Trump campaign has in common with George W. Bush's is the way their propaganda systematically inverts accusations.

- Hillary Clinton is a crook: Trump University, anyone?
- she illegally deleted emails: you've been doing worse for decades, Don*. And how about that secret server communicating with Russia?**
- she's hiding things: show us your tax returns, Donald - no other candidate has dodged this fundamental duty
- she's working for special interests against small people: story of your life, Don. Well documented, and complaints keep pouring in.
- she betrayed the African American community: you've been charged with racial discrimination, and keep fueling racial hatred across the country
- she'll ship jobs to China: how many Trump branded accessories are made in China, by the way?
- she'll ruin the economy: remind us how many bankruptcies you achieved, Donald
- she's rigging the elections: your Trump campaign has already been charged with voter suppression in Ohio, and your KKK friends have said they will do their best to deter colored people from voting
- she's getting pay for play: you paid to play, Don. And tell us more about your ties with Russia - maybe these tax returns, deleted emails, and secret servers could help us measure your dependence on Vladimir Putin (judging by how you changed the GOP policies towards Russia and Ukraine, no wonder Vlad is rooting for you and doing his best to undermine Hillary's campaign).
- she's facing prosecutions for the years to come: your next trial will be by the end of this year, Don
- Bill is a sexual predator: at least he never bragged about it the way you did - maybe because he seems more confident in his own virility

YUGE: Donald Trump spared new sex scandal by his friend called Pecker at National Enquirer - politico.com/media/story/2016/11/report-national-enquirer-bought-rights-to-trump-affair-story-but-never-published-004848 (20161106 - twitter.com/stephanemot/status/795096590520225792)

Just one last one: she's not qualified to be president. Coming from you, Donald J. Trump, Hillary R. Clinton should take it as a compliment.

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* see "Trump’s companies destroyed emails in defiance of court orders" (The Independent - 20161105)
** see "Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?" (Politico - 20161031)

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