Showing posts with label Netherlands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Netherlands. Show all posts


David Attenborough attacked by Fundamentalist apes

EO broadcasted Sir David's "Life of Mammals" series in the Netherlands, respecting the 5 mn of edition allowed by the BBC.

But Evangelische Omroep / the Evangelical Broadcasting Organisation is a Christian fundamentalist channel, the parts edited were key to explain evolution (ie "our closest relatives" becoming "the apes"), and one whole episode was censored. Flemmish radicals tend to upset me these days : when they don't fuel hatred and racism, they promote ID and creationism. Both sides of what's left of the Belgian border.

David Attenborough is not dead yet*, he is quite angry, and so should we all. This battle is worth fighting for the great white Dave.

* see "
David Attenborough, one life on Earth" (20070716)
** see "
Red blogule to Luc van den Brande" (20070627)
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