Showing posts with label Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Show all posts


al Qaeda and Amerika on trial

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed goes on trial in NYC, and GOP hardliners are angry.

Make that "scared". Because this is the kind of justice they don't feel comfortable with : fair justice, public justice... Justice, period.

What will be exposed is the process that leads to abomination : on one hand terror, on the other torture.

Because Mr. Mohammed is now more famous for surviving over a hundred waterboarding sessions than for his responsibility in 9/11 attacks. The Bush administration added insult to murder, betrayed the families of 9/11 victims, disgraced America and the very values they were supposed to defend.

That administration was recently
confirmed as "repugnant to the Constitution" by Republican appointed judges.

Obama, who
rejected as false the choice between security and ideals, appointed Eric Holder to clean the mess. Both share the same vision of justice* : not the twisted tool of a corrupt administration, but an independent power able to reach any other power, particularly administrations going rogue.

blogules 2009

* see previous episodes, including "
We reject as false the choice between our social security and our ideals"
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