Showing posts with label George Floyd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Floyd. Show all posts


Make America Breathe Again, Vote Biden

"I Can't Breathe" could sum up Donald Trump's Amerika.

I'm not just talking about George Floyd or Eric Garner, who should be breathing as I write these lines, like Ahmaud Arbery and so many others. Racism already choked America long before Trump, Stephen Miller and Co. took over the White House.

Over 100,000 Americans can't breathe anymore because they lost their battle to COVID-19. Half of them would still be alive if the US were led by any normal human being. This POTUS will be responsible for tens of thousands more avoidable deaths.

D.C. can't breathe. Instead of draining this already unbreathable swamp, Trump made it grow faster and further than ever, corrupting even the relief effort in the worst pandemic in a century.

US democracy can't breathe. Trump, Putin, McConnell and friends are pulling all levers to accelerate voter suppression and steal yet another election. All resistance within what's left of the GOP is nipped in the bud, suffocated within hours.

A President who cares for America and every American is the least America deserves right now. Even if you didn't like the last one, even if you wish someone else than his Veep were running against DJT, you must vote for Joe Biden and whoever will help him make America breathe again.

Joe Biden cares, and wants you to breathe, that's precei why he's wearing a mask

blogules 2020
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