YPM (Young Political Majors) are under several investigations for voter frauds across different states (ie bait-and-switch registration schemes). YPM owner Mark Jacoby has just been arrested in Ontario*.
Now here is a genuine threat to democracy, Mac. The problem is, YPM was hired by the GOP to do this, so you'd better keep quiet a low profile on ACORN... which has nothing to do with the Obama-Biden campaign, nor even the Dems.
I guess this is it, John McCain. All your accusations have failed lamentably :
How can you say Obama is a threat to democracy when HE is its last chance and YOU are ready to destroy it ?
How can you say Obama is a socialist when HE is working on the salvation of the whole economy, and YOU are voting for the same rescue package ?
How can you say Obama is palling around with a former terrorist when HE is simply accepting a membership to the same charity run by Republicans (the said terrorist turned into a Chicago Citizen of the Year), and YOU are a member of the USWCF board during the very peak of this organization's most infamous exactions ?
How can you say Obama doesn't share American values when HE is fighting for the restoration of America's greatness and advocating a sound, respectful and profound approach of religion, and YOU are fueling racial and religious hatred, courting Amerika's worst enemies, and reciting empty mantras in which you obviously don't even believe ?
Your smear ads backfired to the point Republican candidates are begging you to stop them. Colin Powell broke the dam, and will unleash a flock of true Republicans who cannot subscribe to your not-so-hidden agenda***.
You lost, because you chose the wrong side of your party, the wrong side of your country, the wrong side of your own self.
You lost the War in MacCainistan.
* see "Voters contend they were duped into registering as Republicans" (LA Times 20081017)
** see "Ontario police arrest man in voter fraud case" (LA Times 20081020)
*** at last ! see "GOP : Time to Split"
PS : don't forget to report any voter fraud attempt (more more about this CMD initiative on "The Election Protection Wiki")
Addendum 20081022 : speaking of the wrong side of America, here is Jon Stewart wondering where the pf..k is real America :
Showing posts with label ACORN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACORN. Show all posts
Drop ACORN, pick-up YPM
Barack Obama,
Bill Ayers,
Colin Powell,
John McCain,
Jon Stewart,
LA Times,
Mark Jacoby,
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