White blogule to Scooter Webring Crasher Libby

So I. Lewis Libby Jr. was given by Dick Cheney the presidential green light for leaking the Valerie Plame Wilson - CIA link. Green light confirmed by his now successor David Addington right before meeting journalists.
Unless Amerika reached the point of no return towards Bushdom, Dubya's closest ring must implode : either the President's caught stealing bases or Lobby Dick makes a sacrifice fly to help him reach yet another base.
At the end of the game, home plate won't look like a Cooperstown's plate : George W Bush is bound to end in History's Hall Of Shame.

Condi Rice could enter the 2008 race as a Veep... Unless "her husband" is forced to resign beforehand : I've been waiting for a double play impeachment for over two years now.

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